Service with a Smile
Do you have a great smile?
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
We need happy, friendly people to help welcome guests and regular attendees. This is a great service opportunity for those who might not want a huge commitment, but can show up 30 minutes before the service they are already planning to attend, and serve by standing at the entry and greeting people, serving coffee at the coffee stand, or ushering guests to their seats.
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
We need happy, friendly people to help welcome guests and regular attendees. This is a great service opportunity for those who might not want a huge commitment, but can show up 30 minutes before the service they are already planning to attend, and serve by standing at the entry and greeting people, serving coffee at the coffee stand, or ushering guests to their seats.
Worship Team
Can you play a musical instrument?
Can you sing?
Do you love worshiping God through song?
If you said, "Yes!" to these questions, we'd love to meet you. Worship Teams get together regularly to rehearse and practice their musicianship. On a scheduled basis (monthly, bi-weekly), they open both weekend services with a time of worship.
Can you sing?
Do you love worshiping God through song?
If you said, "Yes!" to these questions, we'd love to meet you. Worship Teams get together regularly to rehearse and practice their musicianship. On a scheduled basis (monthly, bi-weekly), they open both weekend services with a time of worship.

Unleash the Techy in You!
The Production team runs the sound and visual equipment during the weekend services. If you are "techy" and or have always been interested, please consider serving in this area.

Who Created That Cool Thing?
We need all sorts of talented and creative people who can do things like manage the Genesis Project website, create cool slides and posters for upcoming events and existing ministries, create videos, and even help promote GP on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.
Teachers, Leaders, Mentors. (Foundational stuff!)
All of our current, thriving ministries need volunteers: Kids, Students, Restore, Rooted, Small Groups -- all are growing and need people to step up and serve. Periodically throughout the year, we invite you to join us for GP Connects where you can learn about fun and exciting opportunities to get involved.
Currently, we have HUGE need in the Kids Ministry, serving and teaching kids. Watch this short video to see what our Kids Ministry looks like and hear from some of our current leaders/volunteers about why they serve.

Help when times are tough.
The Meal Train team offers a flexible serving opportunity for volunteers to provide and deliver meals to GP families who are going through challenging times.
When a need is made known, an email goes out with information and meal schedule. Team members sign up based on their availability.
When a need is made known, an email goes out with information and meal schedule. Team members sign up based on their availability.
Lots of People Loving People
Family Festivals
Christmas Store
Periodically throughout the year Genesis Project coordinates large-scale, all-church, community events. If you like to volunteer for one-time, limited commitment events, we encourage you to consider getting involved in one of these. Service opportunities are expansive. Anywhere from set-up/tear-down, parking assistants, day laborers, crafters, decorators, bakers, community outreach, and the list goes on.
Big Events have their own separate signups, look for them at the GPS station in the lobby.
Christmas Store
Periodically throughout the year Genesis Project coordinates large-scale, all-church, community events. If you like to volunteer for one-time, limited commitment events, we encourage you to consider getting involved in one of these. Service opportunities are expansive. Anywhere from set-up/tear-down, parking assistants, day laborers, crafters, decorators, bakers, community outreach, and the list goes on.
Big Events have their own separate signups, look for them at the GPS station in the lobby.

Love and Good Deeds...
GP Connects is where you can learn about fun and existing opportunities to get involved. This may be by attending a ministry that helps with your walk with Christ or by serving on a team that helps others. GP Connects includes lunch and is only 90 minutes. It is designed for existing GP folks as well as newcomers. No need to sign up, just show up! They begin after the 10:45 service.
2024 Schedule: January 21st [1st Annual Ministry Fair], March 19th, May 19th, September 8th, November 10th